Strategic Business Consulting
Our Network of Experts in Wireless (NEW) team includes a seasoned group of service and product innovators who have brought exciting innovations to customers in the United States, Europe, Japan and Asia. We regularly partner with leadingmanagement consulting companies to complete their portfolio of experts.
For Carriers and Service Providers
From customer targeting programs to acquisition and retention strategies to the development and rollout of new services, New Wave Partners Inc. has experience, know-how and a seasoned group of senior industry veterans with proven track records to lay out the choices and work with you to develop and implement plansof action. The strong international experience in our Network of Experts in Wireless (NEW) team is experienced at adopting new service ideas from other markets to yours. Transitions from one technology to another determine the fate of carriers; New Wave Partners Inc. has extensive experience in all areas of technology
selection and migration.
Handset and Infrastructure Manufacturers
New Wave Partners Inc. has unrivaled expertise and access to the world's handset manufacturers and is able to develop strategies to compete in the growing markets and survive the current consolidation through strategic assessments on buildingfeatures, easy-to-use user interfaces and brands and customer targeting.
We have wide view on new hardware and software technology providers to build into handsets and an extensive set of customer and partner contacts at every level in developing your handset business.
New Wave Partners Inc. has both radio systems and server experience in rolling out new networks and innovative server solutions including building new thin client- rich server solutions which give you needed operational flexibility and the platforms to build new services.
Semiconductor and Software Developers
Our systems level experience includes access to semiconductor and software customers and architects of next generation solutions. From radio front end and DSP architectures to co-processor and OS choices New Wave Partners Inc. can identify options and help you make choices. The New Wave Partners Inc. team members include executives and experts in product management, sales and business development and strategic planning.Whether it is porting software to handsets, developing handset compatibility strategies selection of operating systems, setting features or architecting solutions, New Wave Partners Inc. has experience and contacts with service provider testing groups to porting companies to speed your success.